Christmas Brain Surgery

This year for Christmas, Taylor got just what every kid wants: brain surgery! Today at exactly 5 weeks old (almost to the hour!), he had a ventriculoperitoneal shunt insertion operation to address his hydrocephalus as a result of aqueductal stenosis. Try saying that five times fast. 

Since the diagnosis in July, we have been anxiously (ok, me more so than Ryan because he’s cool as a cucumber) anticipating this day. It was a relief to finally walk into pre-op this morning. He had to fast for 4 hours before surgery (which was at 8:30am). This meant it would be the longest stretch he would ever have to go through without eating. We were prepared for him to start going ballistic by 7am but miraculously, that didn’t happen. Instead he slept straight through until his team of doctors carried him into the operating room.

Taylor in pre-op saying, “Brain surgery? Bring it on!”

Surgery didn’t take long – just over an hour and a half – and went smoothly. They took us back to the PACU (post-anesthesia care unit) where they monitored him for a while. After about 40 minutes there, he was wheeled, with mom and dad in tow, to the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit). We will be here until sometime tomorrow before they move us to the pediatric ward for another day. After that, assuming all looks good, they’ll send us home.

His crib in the PICU

Being in the PICU is stressful. Alarms keep going off because he has been breathing shallowly. He also came out of surgery very cold – only 96 degrees – so he has spent most of his time in the PICU wrapped in loads of warm blankets with his nurse coming in regularly to take his temperature. I’m glad he is being monitored closely post surgery, but it’s giving me an ulcer. 

Lots of warm blankets to create his own personal heat cave

With babies as small as him, you walk a fine line between pain management and keeping them alert enough to eat. We tried to give him a bottle but between the pain from his head, his tummy incision, and his throat from being intebated, the poor guy couldn’t take it. He was inconsolable so they gave him more pain meds which knocked him out. As a parent, even though we knew recovery would be a process, it is heartbreaking to see him in so much pain. 

Daddy holding Taylor after a rough day

For now he is sleeping – something Ryan and I wish we were doing too. But we wouldn’t be sleeping with a “regular” newborn either, so that part of this experience is no different. We are relieved Taylor made it through surgery alright and hope the rest of our stay at Kaiser is uneventful.

15 thoughts on “Christmas Brain Surgery

  1. Annette Shaker says:

    Aarike and Ryan, I just read your blog. I’ll keep you all in my prayers. God is the Great Physician and can perform mircles.
    All my love and support,
    Annette Shaker

  2. Wanda says:

    There are a lot of prayers being said and love going out to all three of you to help you through all this. With you and Ryan as parents, Taylor is sure to have the strength he needs to work through this. Love you. ❤

  3. Chris Rubin says:

    God has had your little angel in His hands from the minute he was conceived. There is no better place he could be. And God’s arms are wrapped around you and Ryan and Nolan to help you get through this. Continuing prayers for you all with much love.

  4. erin says:

    Have thought about Taylor all day. Praying for a swift recovery for all of you. Please let those of us that do not live near you what your needs are. If you need AMazon food delivered- I’m on it! Sending you love and magic.

    • says:

      Thank you! My parents have been in town off and on for the past month which has been very helpful. And we are fortunate to have a supportive church family and network of friends/neighbors. From afar the best support we could ask for is continued prayers.

  5. Nancy says:

    God is with you all. Thank you for sharing. I cannot imagine what you all are going through. God give you all strength. God give the parents patience. God give you peace. God gives you hope, in His glorious name, amen.

  6. Pastor Bruce and Teri says:

    (A song with which we grew up)

    Jesus tender Shepherd hear me
    Bless Thy little lamb tonight
    Through the darkness be Thou near me
    Keep me safe till morning light

  7. Marie Steinbeck says:

    Great Grandmas frequently have tears come for various reasons. This morning as I see the photos of precious Taylor and read the account of the successful surgery, I have tears of thankfulness. I look forward to meeting Taylor, perhaps in Spring, and getting reacquainted with big brother Nolan. Sending my love to all of you, and continue to hold each of you in prayer.

    • says:

      I had tears of thankfulness too, Grandma. He had a good team in the operating room, has had wonderful in the PICU, and has people all over praying for him. All in all, good odds! Looking forward to seeing you in 2017 and having your great grandsons spend time with you. I love you!

  8. Shames Panahi says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Your love and strength is an inspiration.
    Keeping my fingers crossed for a smooth recovery.

  9. Cora says:

    Thank you for sharing as your journey continues. My prayers will also continue for all of the Riddle family. So grateful that we all have great faith and can lean on our wonderful Savior. God always sees us through it all. Thinking about you and Taylor. Continued prayers of healing for Taylor. Sending love from the Schumann family.

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