Work related research

As the Development & Marketing Director, one of my responsibilities is keeping our organization’s website updated. There are several issues I have with said website. 1. Our website design is terrible from both a user and admin standpoint. 2. Our website has so much info on it, that it’s hard to know where to go to find what you’re looking for. 3. We have Macromedia Dreamweaver to update it…yes, Macromedia Dreamweaver. Working with software that is 8 years old is…a test of patience. 

I finally got fed up with accepting that “this is the way it is and has to be” and have decided that I’m going to look into other options for our website. Something easier to navigate. Something more user friendly. Something simpler to update. I knew that WordPress did blogs, but didn’t really realize people used WordPress as their main website. Our organization actually has a fairly successful WordPress blog that we keep up. But, I decided I need to try to create my own WordPress account to see if I could figure out how one would go about making their WordPress site into their main website. Sure, I could have used our agency’s WordPress account, but risk accidentally screwing something up? Ha! I think not.

Since having a baby last May, my life as been all about the work-life balance. What better topic to have a blog about? This way I can write about work, family, and my ridiculously cute kid.

If anyone has any advice for me on the pros/cons/hows of using WordPress to deploy an organization’s website, please let me know. I’d love to pick your brain.