Technology – a friend to all working parents

Technology is amazing. I had a donor event tonight (which went very well, by the way) and knew I was going to be home long after my little one went to bed. While at my event, I looked at the clock and realized he would be (or should be) asleep. I pulled my iPhone out of my pocket and opened up the iBaby app. Thanks to our nifty iBaby Monitor, I can watch my kid in his crib, live, from anywhere on my iPhone.


How neat that I can be at work and still be able to check in on my little guy sleeping in his crib! I showed it to a few donors (whose children are older) and I think I might have blown them away. “This is a live feed? That’s amazing!” several people said to me.

My husband has been at late night work things too and again, thanks to technology, has been able to take a few minutes and really connect with our son. He knew he wasn’t going to be home in time to say goodnight, so he found a quiet corner and took a few minutes to FaceTime with us before bedtime.

I can’t wait to see what the next piece of technology is that will make those occasional late work nights away from your kids a little more bearable.